Monday, April 30, 2007

Week7 / Text skill - My break

I went to Rotorua and Taupo with 5 of my friends around the 10th of April in 2007.

I have never forgotten Rotorua. On the first day, the weather was quite good.When we arrived at our accommodation in Rotorua, we started to unpack and then went straight out for skydiving, because all of my friends wanted to try skydiving. However, until I arrived at the skydiving center, I hesitated about whether I should skydive or not. I was really afraid of it, like you! (or not).

Unfortunately, all of my friends started pushing me to try it. They told me not to worry that it quite safe and it had to be really cool. I found out that it was really true. I wore a safety suit and a safety device which made me look like an astronaut. After that I got into a helicopter with a professional skydiver, because I had never used a parachute before and as you can see, I was a beginner. The professional skydiver used some equipment fasten to the back of my safety suit really closely. So soon, I was high in the sky and I could hear “one, two, three” First when I had just fallen out of the helicopter, it was quite scary, but after that, I am sure, you can not imagine how wonderful it was if you don’t have any experience in skydiving. Especially at that time was nearly sunset and there ware not too many clouds so I can say it was really gorgeous. I remember one thing which is at that time I could see that the earth is really round.

This is my holiday story. If you have any chance to try skydiving, do not hesitate, just try. It gives you really good memories.

Week4 / Text skill - Effects of globalisation on my life

If someone asks me what the effects of globalisation on my life are, I would say, everything in my New Zealand life. I believe that globalisation gives me many advantage.

Firstly, I have got lots of information about New Zealand from the internet. For example, it helped me to decide to come New Zealand from my country, gave me the advantage of studying in New Zealand and the opportunity to try the New Zealand lifestyle. What is more, globalisation makes me study English.

Nowadays, as everyone knows, people should study English, because we need it for communication with foreigners. It might be quite a strong advantage for someone who is working in other countries, or who wants to study more, like me.

On the other hand, globalisation gives me lots of tasks. I believe, globalisation is equal to more information. I need to connect with lots of information, as news, foreign friends etc, and then I need to understand and remember it that work makes me interested in life, but it also makes me tired or stressed, unnecessarily. A part from this problem though, there are lots of advantages, so I am happy to be affected by globalisation on my life.

Week7 / Oral skill - Picture Comparison 1

There are two pictures, on show onside of a supermarket, another picture shows a local market. Become, more and more people prefer to go supermarkets more than local markets.

The reason why people prefer to go to supermarket is supermarkets are more convenient. As you know, they are one of a big business, so they should think about good ways of marketing. As the result, inside of buildings are quite good surrounding. For example, enough space of passageway, similar kinds of commodities are put things together. However, local markets are different from supermarkets, for example, customers need to carry all of their stuff, not like supermarkets (and supermarket has carts). What is more, local markets are messier than supermarkets.

On the other hand, the local market is favourable. For example, they can do a bargain with owner, face to face. Sometimes the owner might give them free things, if customers buy lots of stuff or customers have good talking skills.

Therefore, it is explained that the supermarket can be better to some extent.

Week6 / Text skill - News report summary

An accident happened on, the 1st of May in 2007 near Rotorua. It was between two motorcycles and a car. Here is a link to an article about the accident caused by the driver and riders’ carelessness. Most of the content of the report is interviews with their families or friends.

There are lots of verb forms. Most of the verb forms are the past simple form, which explain what happened. There are two examples, one is present perfect and the other is past passive. The first one, “has really gone” is a present perfect form and it is used for an action that happened in the past but it still current in the speaker’s mind. The second one “was killed” is used when someone wants a style that is impersonal and objective.

Week5 / Text skill - Book review


Author : Tea Ick yun

The main point of this book is "get to know your personality it is helpful for your life”. Everybody wants to be successful in their career. However, even when everyone is trying their best, only some people can be successful, because at first they are trying to copy another person who is already successful. When you understand your personality well, then you are able to know what the differences are between you and others, so that you can make your own strategy for a successful career (and we are all living in a unique time with our own individual personalities).

There are three kinds of personality, brain-centred type, hear-centred type and body-centred. The brain-centred type of person is the one who makes a clear plan before starting to do something. In their mind, when they know about something clearly, they can make a good decision. The heart-centred type of person is the one who thinks the best way is through relationships. They usually think that two minds are better than one, so when they get stuck in a problem, they ask a relative or friend and get advice or help. Finally, to a body, centred type of person, the most important thing is having a passionate mind and a challenge.

Thus, the book is talking about three different kinds of personality, but it cannot always be right because in the world, there are a huge number of people. I do not believe that everyone can be classified into only three kinds of people, but it does talk about general personality. Actually, this book was really helpful for me for understanding people’s differences when I had trouble with a friend. That is why I wrote about this book. (Maybe I am a heart -type person)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Week6 / Oral skill - lecture summary

What is a Union? The Union is a workers’ organization. It is a voluntary association and union to further employees’ mutual interests with respect to wages, working hours and working conditions.

Approximately 330,000 numbers of people have belonged to a union in New Zealand and 51.5% of those are women. The employees can select their union leader, or vote for their leader from candidates. If they are not happy with their boss, they can’t just go on a strike. The better way is gives a reasonable notice to their boss through Union.

Why do we need a Union? There are several reasons. First, for a fair pay second, for fair working conditions, as well as to have a voice for working people and their entitlement. The Union can provide equal opportunity for both men and women. Most of all, the Union can provides much stronger voice for all those who join the Union.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Week3 / Text skill - About Me

Hi, everybody. How are you ??
I am Emma, Korean name is Areum Yeo. It’s hard to pronounce, isn’t it?
That is why I make a new name.
Actually, I really love my Korean name because it’s from my mother :)

I have been here almost 1 year. To be exact, I came to New Zealand April 14th 2006.
Already 11 months have passed .. Time is flying by .. isn’t it ?

Now, I am living in my aunt’s house, where is in Waterwiew.
It is quite near, so I go to school on foot.
It is sometimes quite annoying me, reason is raining .. whatever … -_-;

I studied at university in Korea.
My major was interior design but I want to study architecture
because I think interior design is part of architecture.
I love design .. I love building .. :)
I am planning to go to university in New Zealand. I hope I can ..

I hope to have a good time in this class :D
Have a good day. See you guys !!

ps : Emma like taking picture :)