Sunday, April 1, 2007

Week3 / Text skill - About Me

Hi, everybody. How are you ??
I am Emma, Korean name is Areum Yeo. It’s hard to pronounce, isn’t it?
That is why I make a new name.
Actually, I really love my Korean name because it’s from my mother :)

I have been here almost 1 year. To be exact, I came to New Zealand April 14th 2006.
Already 11 months have passed .. Time is flying by .. isn’t it ?

Now, I am living in my aunt’s house, where is in Waterwiew.
It is quite near, so I go to school on foot.
It is sometimes quite annoying me, reason is raining .. whatever … -_-;

I studied at university in Korea.
My major was interior design but I want to study architecture
because I think interior design is part of architecture.
I love design .. I love building .. :)
I am planning to go to university in New Zealand. I hope I can ..

I hope to have a good time in this class :D
Have a good day. See you guys !!

ps : Emma like taking picture :)

1 comment:

DalGyoun Lee said...

So cute, Emma!
Hope you are happy in here.