Monday, April 30, 2007

Week7 / Oral skill - Picture Comparison 1

There are two pictures, on show onside of a supermarket, another picture shows a local market. Become, more and more people prefer to go supermarkets more than local markets.

The reason why people prefer to go to supermarket is supermarkets are more convenient. As you know, they are one of a big business, so they should think about good ways of marketing. As the result, inside of buildings are quite good surrounding. For example, enough space of passageway, similar kinds of commodities are put things together. However, local markets are different from supermarkets, for example, customers need to carry all of their stuff, not like supermarkets (and supermarket has carts). What is more, local markets are messier than supermarkets.

On the other hand, the local market is favourable. For example, they can do a bargain with owner, face to face. Sometimes the owner might give them free things, if customers buy lots of stuff or customers have good talking skills.

Therefore, it is explained that the supermarket can be better to some extent.

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