Monday, May 7, 2007

Week5 / Oral skill - Movie Reviews

A lot of things have been said about "Good Will Hunting" is a quite good movie. The fact that it was acted by Robin Williams and Matt Damon, also was written by Matt Damon gave strong effect to me. The movie lasts for 2 hours, and every minute of it I couldn’t even focus on anything beside the incredible world of Will Hunting.

Matt Damon plays Will Hunting, who is a brilliant young man who denies his unreal intellect. Will Hunting has had a very cruelty of childhood, which mentally hurt him. After that he could no longer let anyone close to him, but only his best friend who is played by Ben. One day a professor at one of the top colleges finds Will’s ability and helps him out of the trouble with the law. The professor introduce a therapist, Sean McGuire, who is Robin Williams to Will Hunting. Sean McGuire is the only one who can really stand up to Will’s intellect and the two develop a bond beyond friendship.

If you are looking for a typical Hollywood movie, then don’t bother spending two hours on this movie

I chose a good speech in this movie is “It is not your fault” from Sean McGuire. If you are wandering what is the speech meaning about, then go and watch it!

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