Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Week8 / Oral skill - Domestic News Headlines

1. How many front page stories are mentioned for each newspaper: there are 6 stories. "the Herald"

: 2 stories, "Dominion Post" : 2 stories, "the Press" : 1 stories and "Otago Daily times" : 1 story.

2. Transcribe your chosen story

: Main story in the press is, the government in looking at a way to tackle truancy numbers. The story is, last year, an average of 30,000 thousands children, a day, skipped classes.

3. Identify Three Pronunciation Features

: There are many different pronunciations. There are three examples, one is schwa, second is consonant to vowel linking, last one is sounds disappear.
The first on “away to/∂ / tackle” is schwa, it is often found in grammar words like as prepositions and articles and also in many words with more than one syllable. It is never stressed.
The second one “/∂ /an average” is consonant to vowel linking, it is when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound there is a smooth like between the two.
The last one is “skipped the classes”, it is when the sound /t/ or /d/ occur between two consonant sounds, they will often disappear completely from the pronunciation.

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