Saturday, May 12, 2007

Week10 / Oral skill - Diploma Lecture 2

As people know different countries have different accents in English, as American English, British English.

Where does New Zealand style of English accent come from? It is conjectured that there are some reasons why New Zealand has some special accent is that the climate with dust or flies, nasal infections, false teeth and laziness, also New Zealand is a multicultural country.

There are some examples. First is vowels, Kiwis are saying with ‘pig’ to ‘pug’, second is diphthongs, they are saying to ‘milk’ to ‘mork’ and there are extra syllables, disappearing differences.

Sometimes, Kiwis are not able to understand someone’s speaking by speaking or make some joke with them about pronunciation but they are trying to understand each other.

Moreover, if you want to find some more information, then go to the web site or

1 comment:

kyle chan said...

Wow! very interesting article. I am deeply impressed, and learned a lot from it. Thanks, beautiful Korean girl, Emma!