Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Week8 / Text skill - Domestic News Headlines

Here is the article

Since 2002 in New Zealand, 41% of truancy rates have grown, and there were 30,000 children wagging school every day last year. It is believed that the truancy problem is a national one from the breakdown of social values and a lack of adequate resources to do the job. Hence, Christchurch principals said schools need more resources. The government declared $2 million worth of extra investment in resourcing schools to deal with truancy over the next four years. They said that truancy is an issue of prime importance to the community, because children who are playing truant commit huge numbers of crimes, so although schools are trying their best, the more support they get the better. Also they need to think about this problem again and why there are so many problems with students being truant.

There are number of active and passive verb forms in the article nine passive verb forms and 69 active verb forms. Inside the article, there are several different kinds of forms. In the active forms, there are 38 cases of present simple, 25 cases of past simple, 2 cases of present perfect, 3 cases of present continuous, 1 future simple and 1 present prefect continuous. In the passive forms, there are 7 cases of present simple passives, 1 past simple passive and 1 present perfect simple passive.

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